BLACKEST NIGHT, the mega-story that some have nick-named "DC ZOMBIES"is the DC's top selling comic series in quite some time. Your pals at FLYING COLORS are pleased to offer full sets of the spectrum of LANTERN Rings.
All we ask is that you sign up to reserve your set of rings, which are FREE with the purchase of seven BLACKEST NIGHT tie-in comics!
These will be available as sets while supplies last, so please place your order soon!
I wish DC would just sell all the rings by themselves. They'd probably sell better in a gumball vending machine for for $1 a piece than as freebies packaged with DC lantern titles.
Well, I suppose if DC Comics was in the business of gumball vending machines, they might have gone that route.
As it is, DC is in the business of telling a very cool story with BLACKEST NIGHT, and given that the rings are FREE with the purchase of the BN tie-ins, it's all good.
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