To pull off this huge job, FLYING COLORS store will be CLOSED on Monday January 28 and Tuesday January 29. We're open regular hours until then---and again starting on Wednesday January 30 (Hey! That's New Releases' Day!)
That's Marty (Merry Marvel Movin' Man) Messner in the photo to the right. Notice some of the walls and racks are looking a little less full of cool stuff than usual. Rest assured, we still have TONS of cool stuff in stock and ready for sale in the store this weekend.
Come Monday, contractors will be here before the crack of dawn (apologies, Mr. Linsner) to begin the job. Sunday will be a moving day for us. We'll be open regular hours, and while we're here (and maybe long after we close for the night) we'll be moving our huge inventory of in-stock comics & other cool stuff into two pods that have landed in the parking lot outside FLYING COLORS.
To the right is a photo of one of the currently near-empty pods. When the contractors are done with their work (hopefully sometime late Tuesday), it'll be our turn to move everything back into place inside the store.
I've had a number of people ask why we're doing these changes---and it's my experience as a small business owner for nearly 20 years that if you aren't trying to make progress you're probably falling behind. When finished (and really, no vibrant and viable small business is ever 'finished'), we hope to have a new look that is even more organized and user-friendly than ever.
Hope to see you soon in FLYING COLORS!