At Flying Colors, we're taking a low-key approach to "Black Friday". Why?
Even as early as Halloween, we were already being bombarded with Christmas-themed commercials.
There's even "news" coverage of all the day-after Thanksgiving sales. They call it BLACK FRIDAY like it's some menacing creature we all have to face in some horrific way. It actually can be a real horror if you get caught up in the 4AM or 6AM mega-store openings.
There is another way.
Away from the crowded malls and corporate chain operations, you can enjoy your Thanksgiving with family. And you can sleep in on Friday.
There's time to shop later, in a more relaxed way.
At FLYING COLORS, we'll be closed to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday. We'll be open our regular hours on Friday from 11am-7pm.
No crazy 4AM, 5AM or 6AM opening hours for sales that are only good until 8AM or 9AM.
FLYING COLORS has New & Cool Stuff arriving several times a week...many items you just won't find at any of the mega-chain stores. Cool stuff you'll love to give---and those on your list will love to get.
And FLYING COLORS Team of Friendly Comics-Lovers will be here to help answer any questions you might have, while helping you find just what you want in a more relaxed atmosphere that will take the stress out of your holiday shopping.
2980 Treat Blvd at Oak Grove Rd in the same center as a spacious Trader Joe's with lots of FREE and easy parking. Enjoy your Thanksgiving--- and thank you for making FLYING COLORS a part of your life!