Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Flying Colors is temporarily CLOSED

Due to testing positive for COVID, I've had to close Flying Colors for the time being.

For the next week or so (who knows?), Flying Colors will not be open for business.
In order to protect our Flying Colors staff and our legions of FlyCo Faithful, we need to step back and CLOSE the shop.  

We will not be able to fill orders of any kind right now, including in-store, curbside, Shopify or mail order.

Our awesome staff will all be getting tested... and when those tests come back negative--- meaning our FlyCo Retailing Brigade is healthy-- we'll re-open the shop, likely with more limited hours when we restart.

We hope you'll all be patient as we deal with this crisis. 

It disappoints me to not be open for our loyal fans. But we will be back, hopefully soon...and hopefully stronger than ever.

Thanks for your understanding. Please, people, be careful out there and wear your masks!

-- Joe "FlyCoJoe" Field

1 comment:

  1. Prayers aimed at Libby and you. Take time to get healthy! Comics can wait. Your health is more important!!
