Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Northern California Exclusive @ Flying Colors: Finding Gossamyr #1

Every week over on our Facebook Fan Page, we post a list of our New Releases, including new comics, graphic novels, books and other cool stuff.

Well, today is also a special day because Flying Colors received a new title that is available at only 25 stores across the U.S. for the next month before its more general release at the end of July.

So let's talk a bit about this new title FINDING GOSSAMYR.

Although a digital preview was available to me---and although there was even a preview of this issue given away on Free Comic Book Day, I waited to read it until I could hold this beautiful comic in my hands. Now, just a few minutes after reading it, I want to share with you just how cool it is.

First, it's published by Th3rd World Studios (yep, that's the way they spell it), the same folks that brought out the amazing STUFF OF LEGEND over the last few years (and by all means, if you haven't read that stunning graphic novel, we do try to keep it in stock always at Flying Colors!).

Second, a brief description provided by the publisher:
"When a brilliant young boy named Denny solves the greatest perplexing puzzle in the history of mankind, he and his caretaker sister Jenna are transported to the fantastic land of Gossamyr, where math is magic and the boy's unique condition gives him incredible power." 

Finally, my thoughts on FINDING GOSSAMYR--- the story and art work very well together. While there's a lot of dialogue crammed into parts of this issue, there's still plenty of room for the art to shine through.

Writer David A. Rodriguez sets up an enticing premise--- a boy, likely autistic or more likely a savant, can see through complex problems to answers faster than anyone. But what he sees in the world's "greatest perplexing puzzle" is a place he does not want to go, until he is forced to solve the equation. Rodriguez gives each character a distinctive voice and drives the story along in engaging ways.

As for artist Sarah Ellerton? My, my, my. I think we have a new star in our midst! Although there are a couple of spots in the book where the panel layouts could have been executed in a less confusing way, the art in every panel is rich with good and meaningful design as the art pops from the page. The eye candy is tastiest when the story moves away from our reality and into the world of Gossamyr.

There's some family drama--- what goes on between Jenna and Denny is just hinted at here. There's other-worldly sci-fi-ish stuff and some high fantasy elements, too. If that sounds like a stew of ingredients, the results so far are delicious.

Want a high concept for this one? FINDING GOSSAMYR is in that dream world between a Pixar blockbuster and L. Frank Baum's WIZARD of OZ. 

FINDING GOSSAMYR, a Northern California exclusive, available now in Flying Colors.

Peace 'n' Cool Comics!

@flycojoe on Twitter

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